Peace be with you ^^

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Thanks for playing me out

Im sitting here crying, yet you treat it like its a small matter...

To that somebody who played my out:

Thanks for treating like you never loved me. Thanks for all that empty promises. Thanks for forcing me to play second fiddle. Thanks for all that sweet hypocritical words. And Thank you for toying with my heart and treating me as a second choice should you not get your first choice. =D

I wanted to type this out on the day I realised what you were doing. But I was blinded by love, I ignored my intuition and committed grave sins against somebody who I once held that person, Im sorry for what Ive done. I did not intent it.

Hmm, but if you had not done all that to me, I wouldnt have realised the following

"Dont Let Somebody become a Priority in your life, when you are only an Option to his/hers"



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